Tagged with Power

Calling all Trailblazers!

Calling all Trailblazers!

We are all interweaved and connected more than we realize. Every single word spoken and movement made creates a ripple effect in our universe, like a vibration. It can bring terrible consequences or it can bring about a revolution. What are you doing TODAY for the generations of tomorrow so they will know that you … Continue reading

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When the Lights Go Out

When the Lights Go Out

Yesterday, just as I hit “publish” on my article about financial literacy, all the lights went out. I thought it was a power outage until I saw a man getting into his truck from the electric company. My first reaction was to call my husband. He just responded with a heavy sigh but was at … Continue reading

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Unlocking the Power Within

Unlocking the Power Within

Do you have any idea what lies within you? Beneath the surface of false beliefs, lies, ideologies, fears, hurt, pain, ego, pride and shallow definitions of success, is POWER. You have to lift your veil and let go of the self defeating and self destructive affirmations and behaviors that have held you in bondage. You … Continue reading

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